
The storyline revolves around the young girl Phooli, who wants to study and pursue her dreams, it depicts her struggles and her eagerness to study but her circumstances do not allow her to continue with her education, later a “Jaadugar” (Magician) enters her life and helps her overcome her situations and motivates her to excel in her studies, with the help of Jaadugar’s guidance she studies and changes her way of dealing with situations and eventually tops her exams and later becomes an IPS officer, stating what her jaadugar taught her, “You are the ultimate magician of your life” & “Your hard work and perseverance is the main key to any success you want to achieve”. The film encourages the fact that your process is the magic to change everything.

Phooli is a film by Avinash Dhyani who strongly emphasises on the fact, “Process hi Jaadu hai” through his film, along with the encouragement of girl child education & education for all

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